Vintage Jeju

제주 서편의 질감, 빈티지제주

‘Architecture nestled in nature. It contains the tension of beautiful nature.’
자연속에 자리잡은 건축. 아름다운 자연의 긴장감을 담다.

Jeju's stone warehouse, which is harmonized with Batdam and the field, is crude and beautiful.

The Yongsuri house was originally designed with the motif of this stone warehouse that was not built for residential purposes.

It is a home that presupposes a traveler's stay, but rather than a meticulous design and a neat finish aimed at living, I hoped to be a place to enjoy the moments of a strange life outside of my daily life.

In the newly constructed concrete-free space, the boundary between the interior and exterior of the building is disturbed.

Unlike traditional dwellings where spaces are divided according to the size and needs of the human body, it is difficult to clearly distinguish the rooms and uses of this house. Instead of walls and doors that limit the space, movable cabinets and furniture serve as criteria for defining the flowing space of this house.

The traveler is drawn to something different from the daily domain and moves as he pleases. When you reach the large common space that is the center of the house, you discover a strange sensibility that is open to nature like a botanical garden. Stones, grass, and trees, which have been around for many years, still thrive in the living room of this earthy house, and sunlight coming through a large window covering the entire wall transforms the interior into a dazzling greenhouse.

The ambiguous sensibility between the inside and the outside, where the boundaries are not clear, blends with the concrete's wetness, iron electric pipes, and furniture made of natural materials, and reveals the original fragrance and charm.

This intended attempt of unfamiliarity between one new building and three Jeju wards with internalized nature (swimming pool and garden) in the living room is between the private and private domains, between the private and public domains, between the chae and chae, It is designed to flow beyond the area of yards and houses into villages and nature.

Each house conveys the beauty of Jeju's house to tourists of various combinations ranging from 2 people to 20 people, and on the day when small parties such as small weddings are held, each house and yard can be opened and closed as needed. Add meaning.

A place where the new architecture forms an old house and a small neighborhood in Yongsuri and a simple variation. For travelers, it will be a wonderful backdrop for discovering unfamiliar structures and emotions and creating moments of a different life.


Business License: 541-86-00960
Address: Jejul, Korea

CS: +82 01-9984-6463
(AM10 - PM5, Lunch PM1 - PM2, 
Weedend and Holiday Off)

All Credit by ⓒ URBANPLOT

URBANPLOT ㅣ CEO: Hosung Seo ㅣ Business License: 541-86-00960 ㅣ Address: Jeju, Korea
CS: +82 10-9984-6463(AM10 - PM5, Lunch PM1 - PM2, Weedend and Holiday Off)

All Credit by ⓒ URBANPLOT