Jeju Architect

Urban Plot is a Jeju architect. 

We have built buildings that make 

Jeju feel better than anyone else and 

reflect Jeju's local colors.

Urbanplot — Portfolio

Jeju Architect

Urban Plot is a Jeju architect. 

We have built buildings that make 

Jeju feel better than anyone else and 

reflect Jeju's local colors.

Urbanplot — Portfolio

Business License: 541-86-00960
Address: Jejul, Korea

CS: +82 01-9984-6463
(AM10 - PM5, Lunch PM1 - PM2, 
Weedend and Holiday Off)

All Credit by ⓒ URBANPLOT

URBANPLOT ㅣ CEO: Hosung Seo ㅣ Business License: 541-86-00960 ㅣ Address: Jeju, Korea
CS: +82 10-9984-6463(AM10 - PM5, Lunch PM1 - PM2, Weedend and Holiday Off)

All Credit by ⓒ URBANPLOT